
Gain Actionable Insights from Every Interaction

Data and Analytics That Allows You to Measure, Monitor, and Optimize Your Institution’s Support with Precision

Real-Time Data and Analytics: The CX Portal

Empower your institution to analyze all interactions across AI chatbots, helpdesks, knowledgebases, live chats, SMS messaging and more. With the CX Portal you can access comprehensive data and analytics from call volume to student behavior and beyond in order to monitor and manage your institution’s support performance.

Key Features
Real-time, in-depth data and analytics.
Monitor support staff performance in real-time.
Insights into multiple support channels.
Data-informed strategies and decision making.
Monitor and train AI bots to improve accuracy.
Role-based permissions and downloadable reports.

The Impact of CX Portal

  • Increase productivity and performance.
  • Enhance decision-making and process improvement.
  • Lower support delivery cost.
  • Boost support staff performance.
  • Improve student and staff experience.

7 Distinct Ways Contact Centers Can Ensure Student Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, student success remains at the core of every academic institution’s mission. From K-12 to Higher Education, fostering student success and providing comprehensive support is crucial for student growth and development.  This is even more important for today’s students – who have become accustomed to quick and efficient services, whether […]

How does AI-driven multimodal support help improve student success?

99.4% of 509 higher education institutions in the U.S. say that artificial intelligence (AI) in education and learning will be instrumental to their institution’s competitiveness in the next three years. In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, student success is paramount. One notable shift is the increasing diversity of student populations, including a rise of […]

Impact of AI in Higher Education CX Solutions: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction: In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, including higher education. AI-powered solutions are reshaping the way institutions engage with their students, faculty, and staff, particularly in the realm of customer experience (CX). This blog explores the profound impact of AI in higher education CX solutions, highlighting the challenges and opportunities […]

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